歷時近2年,終於成為正式的 GYROKINESIS® exercise (禪柔運動/脊椎螺旋運動/嬋柔運動) 認證指導員了!
GYROKINESIS® exercise 的發明者 Juliu 說:「 I want music in my body. I want poetry in my body. (我希望我的內在充滿了音樂;我希望我的內在如詩一般)」
經過 Pre-training -> Foundation -> Supervised -> Final certification
歷時將近兩年的時間,終於從 apprentice (學徒)晉身為正式的「GYROKINESIS® exercise」認證指導員!
子娟老師在我大學時便讓我認識了這套運動,從那時起便決定未來有機會一定要好好學習 GYROKINESIS® exercise!
感謝子娟老師和 Daniel 老師,在台灣舉辦了一系列的師資培訓課!
大學畢業剛從芬蘭回來那年,我立即展開了 GYROKINESIS® method 之旅!
謝謝小芳老師、Juergen 老師以及 Erika 老師的指導,每次的研習,都讓我從中發掘新的動作經驗。
也謝謝一起上課的同學們 Mandy Siaoi、洪元皓、Jeff Lin 一路的一起努力 !
感謝 Daniel 在中心開課,讓我可以與更多人分享這套美妙的運動。
Finally! I'm the certificated GYROKINESIS® instructor!
Juergen Bamberg !! I got it !! Thank you very much for the foundation course!!!
Hope to see Erika soon ~Thank you very much for these days. It was truly amazing!!!
I'm going to teach people "compose with their body and writing poetry with their body." through the GYROKINESIS® method.
GYROKINESIS® is registered trademarks of GYROTONIC® Sales Corp and are used with their permission.
湯士萱 Professional
Website: suzannetang.com
Blog: http://suzannettw.pixnet.net/blog
FB: 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist
IG: suzannetang.physio https://www.instagram.com/suzannetang.physio/
康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center
Website : https://optcontrol.wixsite.com/optcontrol
FB: 康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Center
IG: optimalcontrol.wellness https://www.instagram.com/optimalcontrol.wellness/