At the end of June, I was invited to give a lecture to "Nursing and Health Conference " held by "The Nursing Department of Taipei Medical University Hospital ".
The topic was about how to stay away from the Occupational Musculoskeletal injury.
Thank you all for the enthusiastic participation and the great feedbacks.
Don't forget to take care of ourselves while we're taking care of others.
康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center
Website : https://optcontrol.wixsite.com/optcontrol
FB: 康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center 康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Center
IG: optimalcontrol.wellness https://www.instagram.com/optimalcontrol.wellness/
湯士萱 Professional
Blog: http://suzannettw.pixnet.net/blog
FB: 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist
IG: suzannetang.physio https://www.instagram.com/suzannetang.physio/